Friday 22 July 2011

Piraeus- The Taxi Riots in Greece

We arrived at the Port of Piraeus to a Taxi blockade of the port that went for many kilometers. They completely blocked the road which affected the Greek people more than any tourists. We wanted to see the Acropolis so we walked through the Taxi's to Piraeus train  station. We caught the train to Thissio and then we walked up, and up,  and up, and up, and up , and up until we reached the ticket office. Then we walked Up and up and Up and Up and UP until we reached the Acroplis. It was cool - because no one was there, it is really high and we got to see the buildings. I could see where the Elgin marbles I'd seen in the British Museum came from - I think the British should  either give them back OR take the entire Parthenon and put it in the museum. Then we walked down to the temple of Zeus, through riots, where we saw people being attacked, heard police fire tear gas canisters - it was a bit scary, but we walked to the Olympic stadium - I accidentally broke the chain around the stadium and the Greek gurds were a bit grumpy because they couldn't fix it! Any way we decided after seeing more Police, helicopters and hearing more firing that we should go. We had to walk trhough police blockades, armoured busses and police with shields to get to the train station. When we got there all the protestors were there - so we found a back entrance to the train station. We got back to port. We saw the protest where we were on BBC news. A guy ( Eli Nielssen from Perth) Dad met on the  ship was interviewed by the news but we didn't see him on it!

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