Sunday 24 July 2011

Le Tour De France - History being made - Go Cadel!

We went to the Tour de France final leg on the Champs Elysee today. We arrived at about 10.30 am and staked out a spot with two Australians named John and Sally who are cyclists from Melbourne. The tour started late so we did not see riders until about 4.45pm and boy did they go fast. They went around the Champs Elysee 8 times so we saw them plenty of times. It was great to sing the Australian National Anthem on the Champs Elysee. We were waving our flags and felt very proud. We then watched all the teams do a ride past. We did not leave the Champs Elysee until nearly 8pm. A long day - but worth it. I got Mr. Stringer some stuff from the Tour de Francee because he likes cycling.

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