Saturday 23 July 2011

Day two Paris - Norway Bombings

Last night we heard about the bombings in Norway, and we were pretty worried about our trip to Norway. Today DAD spent a couple of hours phoning DFAT, the hotel and the airlinne to find out what was going on. Mum and I went to the Louvre. The Louvre is a very big museum, and very crowded. There was a lack of airconditioning and toilets. But we saw some really good things - The Mona Lisa, the Venus de Milo, Egyptian sculptures and huge French painintgs of dead saints and people dying on boats. The ceilings of the Louvre were painted and had images of Athena, Poseidon, Zeus and Hades. Mum and I had lunch at one of the cafe's - sandwich du jour. The crowds around the Mona Lisa were huge and I almost had my eye taken out by those guides with umbrellas :{ ( I hate those guides!!) - but the Mona Lisa was worth it. I don't think anyone actually looks at the other paintings in the same room as the Mona Lisa. I bought some cool things in the gift shop and some stamps at the Louvre Post office. Anyway this afternoon we  found out our hotel in Norway is OK and so we are still going. the Hotel have put on extra security and so has all of Norway! A terrible event - I feel a bit concerned about going but I'm happy that our hotel isn't damaged. I feel very sorry for the families of all the people who have died.

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