Thursday 6 October 2011

Nickeoldeon Kid's Choice Awards- Sydney Entertainment Centre

So I have tickets to the KCA's in Sydney. I have tickets for the floor - AKA the "Slime Pit".
There is a huge crowd outside the Sydney Entertainment Centre for the walking of the Orange Carpet.
This is me - ready for the KCA's.
I'm wearing my "Space Invader" T-Shirt from Paris. I decided to wear this shirt because that the slime would not be likely to damage this shirt. I got this shirt in Paris because of the anonymous artist who creates mosaic "Space Invader" art on buildings all over Paris. We saw a lot of these mosaics in Paris, they are really cool.
I'm looking forward to the Kid's Choice Awards - I've been wanting to go for the last couple of years, but this is the first year we were able to get tickets. Thank You Mum and DAD!

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